This is an interesting excerpt from SmartDataCollective article by Steve Bennett calledAnalytic Auteurs. To read the complete article please visit SmartDataCollective
"Now I never thought of myself as an auteur, but my favourite analogy for 'doing analytics' was making a movie. The analogy runs something like this:
As the director (think of me as a cross between Tim Burton and Spike Jonze) I assemble a team for 1 - 2 years and together we create the analytic solution the organisation needs. The solution is generally made up of two components. The first is a suite of information products (data marts, cubes, reports, dashboards, etc.). The second is the skills for the organisation to 'self serve' and create new information products without us.
We then we disperse to different places. Only to meet again when the next 'movie' opportunity arises.
My trusted experts are:
* Business Analyst - Script Writer
* Data Integrator - Special Effects
* Solution Designer - Cinematographer
* Information Designer - Set Designer/Head of Props
* Quality Control - Post-Production
* Change Agent - PR and Marketing
Why do the same people agree to work with me more than once? Well, you'll have to ask them to really know. But I can tell you what I tell them when I'm trying to get them them for one more gig. In no particular order I promise them:
* A real intellectual challenge
* A core team they can trust
* That they will learn from both the challenge and their fellow team members
* Very good remuneration - at least as good as they will get elsewhere
* Fun!
Don't get me wrong. The core team does get new blood each time and sometimes people just muscle their way into the team by being damn good at what they do. Never underestimate serendipity and the pleasure at meeting another person of whom you think 'wow - they're good!'"